Unplugged Creative Retreat for Women sponsored by Stay Strong

I'm excited to announce that I've partnered with Stay Strong, an online group for women photographers, to present a creative retreat for women photographers at Capon Springs in West Virginia on April 29th through May 1st.

These days I find it harder to escape from technology and the demands of a world infused with information. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, email, phone calls, text messages, all do a great job of keeping us connected in new and exciting ways, but what about connecting with yourself? Are you just trudging along in your work without real focus and creativity? Does your work come from your inner creative or from the constant pressure to produce? Creatives need time to allow their creativity to flourish, breathe and present itself. When we disconnect from the buzz of daily life, we give ourselves a chance to reconnect with our creative drive. Ever find that your best ideas come in the shower, while you are driving or right before you fall asleep? These are the little moments when, surrounded by silence, our minds have the chance to roam freely. What if, instead of a few moments, you had two days to let your creative mind speak? How many answers, ideas, inspirations would you find in those two days?

In conjunction with Stay Strong, we are leading an unplugged retreat to give yourself the opportunity to recharge and connect with other women creatives. Yoga, hiking, creative workshops, spa time and wholesome eating in a natural and tranquil environment will help you gain balance, perspective and peace of mind. Capon Springs is a place that gives individuals the freedom and permission they need to truly unplug and decompress. We’ll reconnect with our creative mind through writing exercises, sensory exploration, and connected conversation. You will return to your daily life with energy, inspiration, and a refreshed approach to a balanced life in the digital age.

Cost for the Retreat: $250 per participant. Does not include room, travel or spa services.

Schedule of Events: Arrival time is Tuesday, April 29th between 2PM and 5PM with an official welcome at 5:15PM. The retreat ends on Thursday May 1st at 3PM. In between those times you will be invited to participate in creative exercises, yoga, hiking, and spa time. Some activities are in groups and others will be on your own. We’ll meet formally as a group for two creative exercise sessions.

Why hold the retreat at Capon Springs? The draw of this unique resort is in its simplicity. Their focus on “back to basics” creates an atmosphere of peacefulness and true rejuvenation. Family owned for years, their dedication to their guests is not because it’s “good customer service,” but because they see their guests as an extension of their own family. Tucked away in the mountains of West Virginia, Capon Springs is part summer camp, part mountain resort with family–style made-from-scratch meals meant to nourish your body and soul – not fancy,just real. Capon’s on-site Spa offers soaking tubs filled with fresh mountain-spring water to rejuvenate your body. Hiking paths wind up the mountain for a scenic overlook or through the pine forest and past an old stone wall tucked in the woods. A serene yoga room below the spa will be the site for our private yoga classes and led meditation. The spa has reserved two days just for our group and has therapists on hand for all their offered services. From their website: “Capon’s 19th century architecture and town square layout, combined with our camp-like informal atmosphere, help to create the feeling that you have somehow stepped back in time to a quieter, gentler era.” While Capon is a peaceful retreat, it’s campy enough to remind you that being a creative person is work. It is not a cushy, posh hotel but a more down-to earth setting intended to stimulate healing. Check out the website for more details: Capon Springs

What can I expect to get out of this retreat?: Some things you might gain from this experience include: relaxation, rejuvenation, increased focus, increased ability to make decisions, the ability to breathe easier, the opportunity to feel re-energized, a renewed excitement for your craft, a more open mind, a re-commitment to old dreams, an opportunity to create new dreams.

What is a creative retreat? It’s permission to step back and rekindle your passion for your art. It’s a chance to sit unplugged with your ideas and let them flow. It’s a chance to find the creativity that is uniquely yours through creative exercises in writing, sensory stimulation, and quiet.

What kind of room will I stay in?: There is a variety of shared rooms, private rooms with a bath and private rooms with shared bath. All participants are required to stay at the resort.

Are there accommodations for special dietary needs? Yes. The resort is prepared to accomodate you with creative cuisine for anyone. Please let Tom know about these dietary restrictions when you book the room.

How do I sign up?: Fill out this FORM. Contact Capon Springs directly to book your room at reduced rate of $128 per person per night.  That figure includes lodging, 3 meals daily, all taxes and all gratuities. Contact Tom by calling 304-874-3695 and mention that you are with Jennifer Domenick to book your room. Spa appointments must be booked by 4/15/2014 to guarantee your services.

What is the schedule?

Tuesday April 29th

Arrivals all day

Volunteers on hand to drive to/from airport

3PM to 5PM Registration in main building near front desk 6PM Dinner 7:30PM Welcome speech Writing exercise, Open discussion

Wednesday April 30th 7AM Meditation 8:30AM Breakfast

10AM Hike

Open time for spa 1PM Lunch

2:30 Yoga class Spa time 6PM Dinner 7PM Creative Exercise Open discussions

Thursday May 1st 7AM Meditation 8:30 Breakfast 10AM Mini hike 11:30 Creative exercise 1PM Lunch Departures throughout the day

Volunteers on hand to drive to/from airport

Please email me with any questions. Unplugged Creative Retreat Unplugged Creative Retreat Unplugged Creative Retreat Unplugged Creative Retreat Unplugged Creative Retreat Unplugged Creative Retreat Unplugged Creative Retreat Unplugged Creative Retreat Unplugged Creative Retreat Unplugged Creative Retreat Unplugged Creative Retreat Unplugged Creative Retreat Unplugged Creative Retreat Unplugged Creative Retreat Unplugged Creative Retreat Unplugged Creative Retreat Unplugged Creative Retreat Unplugged Creative Retreat Unplugged Creative Retreat Unplugged Creative Retreat Unplugged Creative Retreat Unplugged Creative Retreat Unplugged Creative Retreat Unplugged Creative Retreat Unplugged Creative Retreat Unplugged Creative Retreat Unplugged Creative Retreat Unplugged Creative Retreat


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