Photo Nights for Charity Event

So, we've given up our post as PUG Leaders in order to focus our attention back to Photo Nights for Charity, a photography lecture series that focuses on inspiring photographers while raising money for charity. It's been a while since we held an event, but our hearts are longing for some inspiration  so we'd like to grow this idea and see where it takes us. There is great potential for these kinds of events to be held on a larger scale and we're looking for people who might be interested in helping us with this. Please contact Jennifer if you are interested in volunteering to help with the event. But first, we are going to hold an event at the studio on October 21st at 7:30PM. I know this is right around the corner, so please put this on your calendar now so you don't miss. it. We'll be entertained by Washington Post photographer Marvin Joseph who is part photographer, part comedian. I guarantee we'll have a great time while seeing some pretty amazing images. All the details are posted on the NEW PHOTO NIGHTS BLOG and there will be some updates this week, so please follow us on twitter @photonights, @lovelifeimages, @jenndomenick, @marygardella or check us out on Facebook. Here are two amazing images that will be available for silent auction. Check out more info on the blog:

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Day in the Life 2010


Weddings: Meghan and Van’s Invitation