Carrie and Noah’s 2nd ceremony in NJ

When I met with Carrie and Noah for their wedding, we chatted about their wedding and all the plans that were in place for a lovely ceremony and reception at Congressional Country Club and then they mentioned a 2nd ceremony the day after for Noah’s mom who is very ill and could not attend the wedding in DC. As a photojournalist and storyteller, these are the kinds of events I long to photograph. They are truly events that should be remembered and documented and the pictures that come from them become such a treasure to the couple’s family history. However, after looking at the calendar, I realized their ceremony landed on the first day of school for my boys, another monumental event- but in my own life. Thankfully, Carrie and Noah agreed to have Stephen, our associate, photograph it for them in my place. (Thanks again for being so understanding and thanks to Stephen for stepping in for me)

So, this post is dedicated to any mother out there who has a son. These photos capture that relationship beautifully.

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Carrie and Noah married at Congressional Country Club


Kelly & Adam: A Fabulous DC Wedding Party